Conference Proceedings

  1. Speers, A, Topol, A.,  Zacher, J. E., Codd-Downey, R., Verzijlenberg, B., Jenkin, R. (2011).  Monitoring Underwater Sensors with an Amphibious Robot, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, pp.153-159.
  2. Zacher, J.E., Guterman, P., Palmisano, S. A., and Allison, R. S., (2011). Enhancements of vection in depth from viewpoint oscillation: Effects of field of view, amplitude, focal distance and body posture. 8th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration (Houston).
  3. Dyde, R. T., Zacher, J. E., Jenkin, M. R., Jenkin, H. R., & Harris, L. R. (2010). Perceptual orientation judgements in astronauts: pre-flight results. J Vis August 2, 2010 10(7): 869; doi:10.1167/10.7.869
  4. Jenkin, H., Zacher, J. E., Dyde, R. T., Harris, L. R. and Jenkin, M. R.  (2009). How do SCUBA divers know which way is up? The influence of buoyancy on orientation judgements, J Vis August 5, 2009 9(8): 716; doi:10.1167/9.8.716
  5. Dyde, R. T., Jenkin, M. R., Jenkin, H. &  Harris, L. R. (2009). The effect of lunar gravity on perception: Ambient visual cues have less effect on orientation judgements than they do under normal gravity, J Vis August 5, 2009 9(8): 700; doi:10.1167/9.8.700
  6. Zacher, J. E., Brandwood, Thomas, P. J., T., Vinnikov, M.,  Jennings, S. A., Macuda, T., Palmisano, S,  Craig, G. Allison, R. S. & Wilcox, L. (2007). Effects of image intensifier halo on perceived layout Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6557, 65570U (2007); doi:10.1117/12.719892
  7. Jenkin, H.L., Zacher, J.E.; Oman, C.M., Harris, L.R. (2007).  Effect of field of view on a visual reorientation illusion: Does the levitation illusion depend on the view scene or the scene viewed? Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration. The Netherlands
  8. Hogue, A., German, A., Zacher, J., and Jenkin, M., (2006) Underwater 3D mapping: Experiences and lessons learned. Proc. Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision.
  9. Jenkin HL, Zacher JE, Harris LR (2006) Does the levitation illusion depend on the view seen or the scene viewed? J Vis June 1, 2006 6(6): 185; doi:10.1167/6.6.185
  10. Dyde R.T., Jenkin H., Jenkin M., Zacher J. E., Harris L. R. (2006). The role of visual background orientation on the perceptual upright during microgravity. 7th Symposium on the role of the vestibular organs in Space (Noordwijk, Holland).
  11. Dyde R.T, Jenkin M.R., Jenkin H., Zacher J.E., Harris L.R. (2006) The role of visual background orientation on the perceptual upright during microgravity.
  12. Allison, R.S., Zacher J.E., Wang D., Shu J. (2004). Effects of network delay on a collaborative motor task with telehaptic and televisual feedback, ARCAI 2004 Graphite Conference.
  13. Jenkin, H. L., Dyde, R. T., Zacher, J. E., Jenkin, M. R., & Harris, L. R. (2003). Multi-sensory contributions to the perception of up: Evidence from illumination judgements. Journal of Vision, 3(9), 638a,, doi:10.1167/3.9.638.
  14. Jaekl P, Jenkin M, Zacher J, Harris LR (2003) Gravity does not contribute to perceptual stability during active head movement. Proceeding of the Sixth symposium on the role of the vestibular organs in space exploration.
  15. Jaekl, P.M., Harris, L.R., Allison, R.S., Jenkin, M., Zikovitz, D.C., Jasiobedzka, U. , Zacher, J.E., and Jenkin, H.L. (2002) Tolerance to head-related visual  motion in virtual reality, IEEE Virtual Reality 2002 International Conference.
  16. Jenkin, M. R., Allison, R.S., Harris, L. R., Jaekl, P., Jasiobedzka, U., Jenkin, H., & Zacher, J. E., & Zikovitz, D. C. (2002) Perceptual stability during head movement in virtual reality, IEEE Virtual Reality 2002 International Conference.
  17. Robinson, M., Laurence, J. Zacher, J.E., Hogue, A., Allison, R., Jenkin, M. , & Harris, L.  (2002, December).  Growing IVY: Building the Immersive Visual environment at York. ICAT’2002 – 11th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistance, Tokyo, Japan.
  18. Robinson, M., Laurence, J. Zacher, J.E., Hogue, A., Allison, R., Jenkin, M. , & Harris, L.  (2002, March). IVY: The Immersive Visual environment at York. IPT Symposium at VR2002, Orlando, FL.
  19. Jaekl, P. M., Allison, R. S., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, H. L., Jenkin, M. R., Zacher, J. E., & Zikovitz, D. C. (2002). Judging perceptual stability during active rotation and translation in various orientations. Journal of Vision, 2(7), 508a.
  20. Harris, L. R., Allison, R. S., Jaekl, P. M., Jenkin, H. L., Jenkin, M. R., Zacher, J. E., & Zikovitz, D. C. (2002).  Extracting self-created retinal motion. Journal of Vision, 2(7), 509a.
  21. Allison, R.S., Harris, L.R., Howard, I., Jaekl, P., Jenkin, H., Jenkin, M., Laurence, J., Redlick, F., Jasiobedzka, U., Zacher, J.E., Zikovitz, D. (2001) Perception in virtual environments at York University, IEEE Virtual Reality 2001 International Conference Video Proceedings, March 13-17, Yokohama, Japan.
  22. Allison, R.S., Harris, L.R., Jenkin, M., Jasiobedzka, U., and Zacher, J.E. (2001) Tolerance of temporal delay in virtual environments, IEEE Virtual Reality 2001 International Conference, 247-254.
  23. Robinson, M., Laurence, J. Zacher, J.E., Hogue, A., Allison, R., Jenkin, M. , & Harris, L.  (2001, December). Growing IVY: Building the Immersive Visual environment at York. ICAT Symposium 2001, Tokyo, Japan.
  24. Jenkin, M. R., Harris, L. R., Jasiobedzka, U., Zikovitz, D. C., Jenkin, H., & Zacher, J. E. (2000, August). Perceptual stability during yaw head movement. European Conference Visual Processing (ECVP), Tunberg, Netherlands Perception 29: 20a.
  25. Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M. R., Jenkin, H. L., Zacher, J. E., & Jasiobedzka, U. (2000, April). Did the earth move for you? Perceptual stability of the world and tolerance for oscillopsia in normal people during active head rotation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 41: 4306.
  26. Jenkin, H. L., Zacher, J. E. & Howard, I. P. (2000, April). Which way is up?  The influence of vision and body rotation on self-orientation.  Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida